How to join us?

The ALFA TANGO is a worldwide Radio Group of operators (HAM, CB, SWL, BCL, RADIO/COMPUTER). One of the purposes of the Group is to study the propagation and to promote friendly and brotherly relations amongst all people in the World.
We reccomend to contact the director of your country. Here you will see the list of local coordinators. If you don't find your country just contact our international secretary.
To enter into the association is compulsory to send a list of minimum 30 DXCC countries or 50 AT members worked and confirmed by QSL.
In your membership will be included all group facilities as Directory, free contests, forums, software, etc. etc.
On the Dx-Man Book you will find about 100 pages full of radio infos, geographic lists, DXCC and Most Wanted Coutries lists, Beacons, Oblast, ITU list, Dx-Expedition rules, etc. etc. On the yearly Directory (members list) you can also find many relevand infos on club activities. We remind you that our group isn't a QSL club ! All this material is available via our web site only.
For the third category send just a list of 50 AT's confirmed. All modes and all bands are admitted. For CB'ers only the 11 meters Band is admitted. Only the countries included in the DXCC list are considered valid (see members Book or the DXman Book edited by the club).
In order to obtain 1nd, 1st or S (Super) operator category it's necessary to send a photostat for every country confirmed, or the SD1 form filled by a local AT director. In any casethe Group reserves the right to inspect the original QSL's in order to verify the qualifications.
Remember to include with your request the fallowing data:
- Call Sign mainly used or HAM/SWL/CB call and operator name;
- Address for mailing;
- QSL address for insertion in our directory;
- Membership fee;
The membership is open to all operators who send application for it REGARDLESS of their nationality, race, religion, polital beliefs.
WARNING: after your membership only the AT call can be used for DX on 11 meters.
If you don't agree please don't send your request!
To remain in good standing with the group it's compulsory to renew every year.
A member that does not renew in time (in the end of september of every year) will be deleted and his unit number will be re-assigned during first 6 months of the next year of membership. Type all your corrispondence in capital letters please.
Before to send your application please read carefully and accept our General Group Rules.
All members are advised to use their RTX or radio sets according to local radio rules or laws.
For requests or any other question don't esitate to contact us.